Technology makes life better. I never doubt about it, rather, I’m passionate about trying new things for the surprises they brought me, like taking free taxi in Guangzhou.
If you are still using the old-fashioned way of waiting for taxi standing by the road, waving your hands, shouting, then you are outdated.
Great news! There is another elegant way out for lazy people as long as you know a little bit Chinese. You can enjoy your coffee at Starbuck or Costa Coffee and wait for the taxi driver to pick you up. The most surprising part about it is you pay much less than taking taxi direct from the street, and you can even take it for free as long as the distance is within 2.6 km.
It sounds great, isn’t it? Unbelievable? Let me explain you how to do it and why.
To use my way of calling taxi in Guangzhou, first, you need to install an app for calling taxi on your phone. Currently, there are two main apps for calling taxi, including “快的打车”“滴滴搭车”. If you are using iPhone, search “app store”, and install the app. Be sure to choose the customers edition rather than the driver’s.
After installing the app, it can automatically find your location, if you want to call taxi now, then press “现在用车”, and speak out the place you want to go. The message will be sent to the taxi drivers nearby. When the taxi driver accepts the order, he will come and pick you up.

As an encouragement for using the app, both the passenger and taxi driver can get a 10 rmb award.
For the customers, if the actual fee for taking taxi is 26 rmb according to the calculator, then they only have to pay 16 rmb via the app. If the fee is 10 rmb, then the customers only have to pay 1 cent.
For the taxi driver, if he gets an order from the app, then he’ll be awarded 10 rmb regardless of how much the customers pay for taking taxi. What’s more, the taxi companies also have some awards for those taxi drivers who get the most orders from the app.
If you place order on the app, don’t worry that there is no taxi coming(excluding: you are located in a very remote place from city center and you are placing order at the time of shifting work). Actually, the taxi drivers using the apps are fighting for the orders coz they can get more money from these orders.
Why not have a try and take free taxi in Guangzhou?

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