Guangzhou Yisen Leather City is a large leather goods wholesale mall, located in the prime location of Ziyuangang Leather Wholesale Market in Guangzhou, the largest leather goods distribution center in Southeast Asia.
Market introduction:
There are more than 300 leather goods shops and leather goods exhibition halls in Yisen Leather City, with a complete range of products, novel and diverse styles, both high and low grades, mainly medium and high-end leather goods, and a collection of famous brand leather goods. Its products include: handbags, briefcases, shoulder bags, backpacks, luggage, travel bags, belts, wallets, leather shoes, leather hardware, leather materials, etc. Yisen Leather City’s products can meet the different needs of merchants around the world for product grades, types and styles. Every year, a large number of products are sold to all parts of China and the world.
Geographical location:
Floor 1-3, No. 1389, Jiefang North Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Business hours:
We are wholesaler of all kinds of bag and luggage. Pls give the desig, size and price to my mail.