Guangzhou Keliya Bags Co., Ltd., was established in 2009, focusing on the research and development and manufacture of men’s backpacks, laptop bags, men’s waist bags, men’s chest bags, wash bags, folding bags, mummy bags, travel bags and other categories.
The company has won 120 patent certificates, and it is manufacturing for Tencent, Google, Audi, FAW Toyota. It has established stable cooperative relations with cross-border e-commerce companies, gift companies and other customers. The factory has three professional production lines, 3 design and R&D teams with 20 years of experience, and the daily output reaches 3,000 pieces, which are exported to Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries.
Address: No. 3, Building 14, Junhao Sunshine Plaza, Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
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