Kingsons Handbag Factory was established in 1997 and is headquartered in the Leather Goods Industry Innovation Center (China Leather Goods Culture Park), No. 6 Sunshine, Shiling, Huadu District, Guangzhou City. The group is mainly engaged in the design and development, brand operation, production and sales, investment promotion in the field of luggage, and comprehensively builds an ecosystem of the technology luggage industry.
It owns a number of independent brands such as Kingsons, Kincase, Korin, Vgoal, Winking, etc. It is a famous trademark in Guangzhou, a famous trademark in Guangdong Province, and a famous brand product in Guangdong Province. And it has successively won honors such as National High-tech Enterprise, Guangdong Province Abiding by Contracts and Valuing Credit, Guangzhou Enterprise R&D Institution, Guangzhou Private Technology Enterprise, and Guangzhou E-commerce Demonstration Enterprise.
The group attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents and scientific research innovation. It has a group of professional and technical talents, leading traditional luggage products into the field of technology and fashion, and has obtained more than 500 scientific and technological innovation patents and German iF design award in 2018.
Address: 401, 4th Floor, Building 4, No. 6, Sunshine Road, Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
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