Guangzhou Marco Leather Goods Co., Ltd. is a research and development, production and design factory of scientific and technological functional backpacks, business backpacks, computer backpacks, anti-theft backpacks, shoulder bags, messenger bags, chest bags, canvas bags, fashion and leisure student bags and other products.
The operation and sales as one of the modern medium-sized production enterprises, with a complete, scientific, professional and dedicated quality management system. The factory area is more than 3,000 square meters, and it is a benchmark enterprise in the functional luggage industry.
The company owns three major brands: MARK RYDEN/Marco Raiden, MUZEE/Muzhiyi, MAZZY STRA, among which MARK RYDEN, the main functional technology backpack brand, was founded in 2012, adhering to the brand concept of “technology backpack, changing travel”. With the rapid development of the company, it has become a famous brand in the luggage industry with one-stop service from research and development to sales.
Address: 4th Floor, Building B, No. 14, Jinshi Avenue, Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou
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