Recently updated on October 8th, 2017 at 05:17 pm
Living in a world where intellectual property rights are not so well protected and people are only looking to make more fast money from copied goods, I used to see lots of topics complaining about copied goods on quora, but the funny thing is there are far more people asking me to help them buy copied goods from Guangzhou rather than complaining about it.
It is not all the faults of Chinese coz most of the buyers are foreigners. If there is no demand, there is no market for it. However, as a Chinese, I really hope people stop buying and selling copied goods in China.

The following are some reasons you shouldn’t go for copied goods in China.
1. Infringement of intellectual property. Needless to say, when you are buying LV handbags, Hermes scarves, Rolex watches from a country lacking of intellectual property laws, sure you infringe the rights of those brands. What do you think if people copy your works?
2. You’re destroying our country. You might think that you spend money and contribute to the economy from a tourism perspective. However, the fact is the more people buy copied goods, then more people get obsessed to copying and making fast money. How can a country develop without creativity?
3. You might be ripped off. Most people involved in copied goods business just want to make good profits. You might get something different or get cheated. Once you pay, it is almost impossible to get money back.
4. Many customs have been strict in goods bought from China. Once you are found buying copied goods in custom inspection when returning to your home country, then you know what would happen…
5. It destroys our reputation. People used to think that every Chinese supplier is a little bit related to selling copied goods, making it hard for Chinese suppliers with honesty and integrity. It has happened to lots of Chinese sellers that their PayPal accounts have been banned and all the money has been taken by PayPal coz PayPal think they are selling fake, however, some of them never sell fake before!
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