Recently updated on October 8th, 2017 at 05:15 pm
Factories always make me feel at home so I always enjoy visiting all kinds of factories in Guangdong. This is about a wallet factory in Guangzhou with an area of 2000 square meters and the process of making wallets.
The pictures are the warehouse for leather sourced from hua du shi ling leather market, actually most of the raw materials including metal, zipper, etc., are sourced from shi ling leather market.
After all the raw materials are prepared, then comes to the next step: Leather cutting with the help of mould prepared beforehand. Leather cutting includes the front and back side of the wallet, foxing strip, lining, strap, fastener, etc.
Next is glue spraying. Spray the glue in the leather cut from the first step and dry it. After the glue is dried, stick different parts together and fold the edge.
Then make holes on the leather with moulds. Paint the edge and dry it.
Stitching is a bit like assembling all parts together. First, stitch different parts separately, then assemble different parts together, a wallet is almost done.
Then comes to quality inspection, cleaning and packing.
Your means of explaining the whole thing in this paragraph is genuinely fastidious, every one can effortlessly know it,
Thanks a lot.