Guangzhou Xianglu Leather Factory was established in 2017. It is a professional factory integrating the development, design and production of leather goods. The factory covers an area of 3,000 square meters, with 150 production staff and an annual output of 150,000 bags. It mainly produces mid-to-high-end leather handbags, shoulder bags, backpacks, wallets, leisure bags, fashion bags, key bags, zipper bags, and clutch bags.
According to the needs of customers, we can make a version according to the picture, customize the sample, OEM processing, and customize the LOGO. The factory has a large amount of inventory, which supports one-piece delivery, specially designed for live broadcast platforms like Douyin, Taobao, Jingdong, Wechat, Pinduoduo, AliExpress, Amazon, Alibaba and other major networks.
Address: 3rd Floor, Building 37-1, Dabu Road, Qinghu Village, Junhe Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
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