Guangzhou Yakai Leather Factory was established in 2012. It is a company specializing in the production and processing of high-quality products such as backpacks, travel bags, chest bags, shoulder bags, computer bags, etc. The company has a complete and scientific quality management system. The main market is the domestic market, and the customer base is company customization, social groups, offline and online merchants. The number of existing employees is 50.
The company’s business model is production-oriented. The company is constantly improving the core competitiveness in development, so that the company can establish a good social image and product reputation in the industry. The company will always adhere to the tenet of “quality first, reputation first”, and will continue to deepen reforms, innovate mechanisms, adapt to the market, and develop comprehensive, scientific management methods and strong technical support. The integrity, strength and product quality of Guangzhou Yakai Leather Co., Ltd. have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit and negotiate business.
Address: No. 14, Team 14, Xinyang Village, Shiling Town, Guangzhou, Guangdong
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